Thank you for reminding us to give thanks and praise first. It is so easy to put it last. Oh Heavenly Father I pray that your will be done Amen and prayers for success in Tulsa
Denise Hall
1 year ago
Thank you Bruce – another guide to prayer that I have learned is: A.C.T.S. Adoration; Contrition; Thanksgiving; Supplication. We praise & thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers & answering them in Your good way & in Your good time & for blessing us always, Amen
1 year ago
Bruce, thank you so much for the daily devotional on controlling our thoughts. I know this true and would love for you to expand on how you have learned to do this.
Bless you, Rosemary, your family and staff for changing our lives and opening our ears, eyes and minds.
1 year ago
Bruce, you touched on “Praise before Please” awhile ago and it changed the way I say my daily prayers. Thank you for your guidance!
Isabel. Jimenez
1 year ago
Amen 🙏
Ursel Mihelcic
1 year ago
Thanks I never pray and ask for things for my self .Always thank god and ask too help other people and bless them
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Spot on Bruce – Praise and Thanks Giving.
Thank you for reminding us to give thanks and praise first. It is so easy to put it last. Oh Heavenly Father I pray that your will be done Amen and prayers for success in Tulsa
Thank you Bruce – another guide to prayer that I have learned is: A.C.T.S. Adoration; Contrition; Thanksgiving; Supplication.
We praise & thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers & answering them in Your good way & in Your good time & for blessing us always, Amen
Bruce, thank you so much for the daily devotional on controlling our thoughts. I know this true and would love for you to expand on how you have learned to do this.
Bless you, Rosemary, your family and staff for changing our lives and opening our ears, eyes and minds.
Bruce, you touched on “Praise before Please” awhile ago and it changed the way I say my daily prayers. Thank you for your guidance!
Amen 🙏
Thanks I never pray and ask for things for my self .Always thank god and ask too help other people and bless them