Thank you Bruce. Always fulfilling our hearts with God’s Word & Love. Blessings Vivienne 🙏🙏
2 years ago
Thank you Bruce for today’s message on how Jesus came and still comes to reveal through the Sacred Scriptures to us, who our Loving God IS!!! And I agree with you Bruce that Advent is a PERFECT TIME for Jesus to reveal more to us who our God IS!!!I also agree that God is far beyond the words we have to describe Him, what we may know, so I feel it will be a continuous revelation by God the Son to point us, to God the Father (and the Holy Spirit ) Love the message Bruce!!! May the Lord continue… Read more »
2 years ago
Thank you for your message Bruce.I have prayed and asked God for Peace and love in my family.Cried so much that father and son would be in PEACE AND LOVE EACH OTHER,like God the Father and his son Jesus. Praying that this Advent season God’s blessings will be with my family.i pray and supplicate God in the name of Jesus. Bruce can you tell me where in the bible is the sign of the cross stipulated. ???I cannot find it.Thank you God bless you and your ministry
Ursel Mihelcic
2 years ago
2 years ago
Such a wonderful message. Thank you Bruce and God bless you.🙏❤️
2 years ago
Thank You 🙏 nice advent pray from Bruce&Rosemary and Team 🙏. Have a Blessed Day 😊.
William Andrew Callaghan
2 years ago
Thank you Bruce for your message, wishing you and everyone a blessed Advent
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Thank you Bruce. Always fulfilling our hearts with God’s Word & Love. Blessings Vivienne 🙏🙏
Thank you Bruce for today’s message on how Jesus came and still comes to reveal through the Sacred Scriptures to us, who our Loving God IS!!! And I agree with you Bruce that Advent is a PERFECT TIME for Jesus to reveal more to us who our God IS!!!I also agree that God is far beyond the words we have to describe Him, what we may know, so I feel it will be a continuous revelation by God the Son to point us, to God the Father (and the Holy Spirit ) Love the message Bruce!!! May the Lord continue… Read more »
Thank you for your message Bruce.I have prayed and asked God for Peace and love in my family.Cried so much that father and son would be in PEACE AND LOVE EACH OTHER,like God the Father and his son Jesus. Praying that this Advent season God’s blessings will be with my family.i pray and supplicate God in the name of Jesus. Bruce can you tell me where in the bible is the sign of the cross stipulated. ???I cannot find it.Thank you God bless you and your ministry
Such a wonderful message. Thank you Bruce and God bless you.🙏❤️
Thank You 🙏 nice advent pray from Bruce&Rosemary and Team 🙏. Have a Blessed Day 😊.
Thank you Bruce for your message, wishing you and everyone a blessed Advent