God Speaks to us in Steps - 3rd November

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1 year ago

So true, frustrating but I guess it makes us value His intervention !

1 year ago

Thank you for this today Bruce. It is exactly what I needed. I am going through this at the moment. I have such a peace with a decision that I have been struggling with for a few months . How quickly I have “forgotten” this is God showing me the direction I must go in. God Bless you, your family and your team. I love our daily get together.

1 year ago

I am Walking in Faith today. Amen

Kathy higdon
1 year ago

God will take us where we need to go! Thank you Bruce

Gloria Young
1 year ago

God bless you Bruce, very true, that God speaks to us in steps, cause when he is quite it feels like he has abanded me. But God helps you with what is really important to you first, he is always there and never gives up that is what I learned and to have lots of faith in him and must carry our cross with patience. Bless you God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and Mary. AMEN

Pamela Lang
1 year ago

I am sorry to tell you Bruce but I I had a break in at my house on Sunday night while I was at mass doing my reading I have all my jewellery and passport taken and don’t have insurance cover for my jewellery because I didn’t have a separate insurance 🙃 I know God is with me so I will keep going forward

Jean Merron
1 year ago

Yes we need to remember this God wants us to go in one direction we firget about this thank you Bruce i have need this this week