16th November - Peace in the Midst of Storms

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Maria De santis
2 years ago

Oh Bruce how do I get to meet Rosemary she sounds just the right woman I need in my life to help me to grow in my faith .God be with all your family

2 years ago

Whisper word of wisdom .

2 years ago

Thank you for your message today and I pray every day that I put into practice having implicit faith and trust in God especially when in the face of adversity just like Rosemary.
May God bless you all
IJN Amen🙏🏽🙏🏽

Ursel Mihelcic
2 years ago


2 years ago

Thank you Bruce! As I sell my home to move to a smaller home, I am feeling peace and strength of the Lord for the first time in months after hearing you. It’s hard to move what I have thought as my foundation, my home, to another foundation! And in reality, God is my foundation. He is Moving me through to peace in what has felt like a storm. Thank you. Amen

Lucy Kimani
2 years ago

Thank you Bruce for encouraging us on how to encounter peace in our lives through the midst of storms. Blessed Tuesday!

Carla Villafana
2 years ago

Gosh where I am right now experiencing physical rainstorms that are hitting this area hard I turned to God yesterday when we went out to fill up cars with fuel and get food supplies in case of evacuation or having to shelter in place. I definitely needed and appreciated the Peace I felt.

Kathleen Finamore
Reply to  Carla Villafana
2 years ago

Be safe

2 years ago

Thank you, Bruce! I really needed to hear this today.

Maria Holcombe
2 years ago

Thank you Bruce. This message certainly helped me yesterday at work when I had pangs of anxiety about a decision I had to make. God’s Peace

Marci Valente
2 years ago

Thank You Bruce for this scriptural blessing today. Take care. 💞🕊🙏