Faith Along the Way - 2nd April

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5 months ago

A moving presentation Rosemary, thank you, Peter

Reply to  Peter
5 months ago

I second Peter’s comments, very moving, Thank You

Reply to  Peter
5 months ago


5 months ago

Thank you Rosemary. Hope and pray Bruce is well. Please pray for me today 2pm Australia Melbourne time.
Desperately need 🙏🙏

5 months ago

Hi Rosemary
I’m so glad you chose that Scripture. Our Mother Mary is so obedient to God and puts all her trust in HIM even though she doesn’t understand what was asked of her then. What an example of not always rationalizing but using a Spiritual mind .What an honor to carry The Son of God.
Thank you Rosemary for reminding us of God’s presence in our journey and thank you for reading with passion .

5 months ago

Hi Rosemary, thank you for your simple interpretation of the Gospel that makes sense in today’s world. Our Lady’s Faith in God though she doesn’t fully understand ‘what’s next’ is so inspiring to me through the mystery of Faith, rather than fully understanding. I thank God for the support He provides when we are open to Him & the workings of His Holy Spirit our advocate.

I really appreciate the Homilies you & Bruce provide into everyday life. Thank you.

God Bless

5 months ago

Thank you Rosemary!

Donna Redfearn
5 months ago

Lovely thanku

Ursel Mihelcic
5 months ago

Thank you Rosemary

Elizabeth Britnell tnell
5 months ago

Please keep praying for me about my depression that it would be gone thankyou

Reply to  Elizabeth Britnell tnell
5 months ago

We will continue to pray for a breakthrough!

Rosemary Jordan
5 months ago

Thankyou Rosemary, most enlightening, god bless you, bruce, your family and the ministry

5 months ago

You are spot on …one sided relationships don’t work…Thank God that He is so very patient with all of us. I tell my second grade class what would your relationship with your parents be like if you stopped talking with them😳. Did Jesus pray? They open their eyes to the Truth …we are loved way beyond what we could possibly deserve! Rosemary He certainly has you exactly where He wants you…making the path to a New Life in with and through Him🎉. The Best Easter season ever!!!

5 months ago

Thank you!😊

5 months ago

Another good daily devotional Rosemary, thank you.

5 months ago

Cannot imagine the reaction of Joseph and how angry he must have been upon Mary telling him regarding her pregnancy. Grateful that he accepted the walk of Faith with Mary.

Kathy O'Connor
5 months ago

Thank you Rosemary!

jeff morris
5 months ago

Nailed it today Rosemary…… was very relatable. Thanks for your time and sharing

5 months ago

This message is what I needed to hear today. In between having my sister’s tumor board review and unemployment and just uncertainty of the future- hearing the call to trust in God for nothing is impossible is reassuring. Thank you

5 months ago

Thank you, Rosemary! You have given me hope to rise out of my shyness.

Isabel. Jimenez
5 months ago

Amen 🙏