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Jeanette Easton
4 years ago

”BREAKTHROUGH “ that was so good and SO helpful and just what I needed to hear. Thank you! Thank you!

4 years ago

“Be the Lord of my life.” So simple to repeat throughout the day to keep upright, rather than that downward spiral of self pity!

Sina Carvalho
4 years ago

Wow! that was powerful. Breakthrough – I have been asking God to breakthrough in my life and to use me. Bruce – you reminded me – Be honest – God I need you – Be the Lord of my life.

Bruce David LaVere
4 years ago

I love the sincerity of your message!! It is so true how we come short within our carnal limitations. I believe God created us to adore and worship him and when spiritually mature, we realize that we will always fall short because we are flesh and truly need Him that created us and everything around us. Thank you for your inspiring message that is grounded in sincerity and the truth of God.

Helen Pederson
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce what a wonderful powerful message. A huge impact this made on me today during a time of tremendous stress in my life.

Valerie Simms
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce and Emma who suggested I see this video after I sent my prayer request. Yes Lord it’s true I do need a big breakthrough in my life and yes Lord I can’t do this on my own! I need your help and Your forgiveness always!!! Especially when I try to take control of my life once again, after I have already surrendered my life to you and asked you to be Lord of my life! Forgive me Lord.