God Sees Our Best Decision - 18th January

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1 year ago

May God Bless you Bruce. Do not worry about anything God is setting up the path for you. I pray God shows you what he has installed for you soon.

Reply to  Lisa
1 year ago


Reply to  Lisa
1 year ago

Total agreement!

Reply to  Lisa
1 year ago

Amen we believe too that God is setting up all the “puzzle pieces” for His plan for our lives. Trust, it all takes trust and surrender. Much love and thank you for the encouragement Rosemary Downes

1 year ago

Thank you Bruce for this message concerning decisions that are made that can be a mistake, or not the decision we are unable to make in our hearts, or having to compromise in certain decisions and circumstances. What a great encouragement that God is with us and can bring GOOD out of these circumstances, these decisions for those of us who love Him and are called according to His PURPOSE!!! May the Lord keep blessing you Bruce, Rosemary and all who work for the Lord in the ministries, along with all your families!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie
Patti Grandolfo
1 year ago

Thank you for reminding me that God is with us on every circumstance. May we all be blessed hiss love patience and understanding. In Jesus’name through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen🙏🕊️♥️

1 year ago

Wow. It was like you were talking directly to me. Thank you for todays words. I needed to hear that God is still with me and not upset with me for that bad decision I made. Last year I made the decision to move myself and my husband who has dementia in with our daughter. She had good intentions and said she wanted to help us. After a few months I soon realized that it was a bad decision and regretted moving in. I have felt guilt ever since. Now I’m in the process of trying to find housing so… Read more »

Reply to  Evelyn
1 year ago

I will join your prayer and ask for Gods will and best in this situation! Peace and a better relationship with your daughter! Families get complicated at times!🤷🏻‍♀️🙏💕

Reply to  Evelyn
1 year ago

Dear Evelyn, we are praying for your situation and that God resolves it for you all. Remember “all things work for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.”Romans 8:28
much love Rosemary Downes

1 year ago

Thank you Bruce for reminding me that God is with me always. I believe God has a job for you and will show you the way!!!

Reply to  Kathy
1 year ago

We believe that too! We all need reminding at times that God is always with us! much love Rosemary Downes

1 year ago

Such beauty in your wisdom… 👍. He knows what is in our hearts and the intentions we have! May His loving kindness permeate our every decision and give us peace and joy as we navigate through this journey! Be blessed Bruce, Rosemary and your entire team and know you are making a real difference and you are giving strength to those who may be growing weary 🤗due season is coming!!!

1 year ago

Thank You Bruce
It’s not always easy
But yet I know God is
Leading me
His word
All things work together

jeffrey morris
1 year ago

funny Bruce. I was on this subject this morning in my head…..haha. I have been praying for a answer and not sure what God was saying to me. I made the best I could and that was what you talked about today. I have confidence in my decision because God was and is with me and it……..Another good one today Bruce, thx

1 year ago

Thank you Bruce. There are so many occasions when the subject of your talks are exactly what I need to hear. This is one of those. Thank you and thank God for you. Please pray for me that I may make the right decisions and may the messy things in my life be sorted out. God bless.