What Do You Think God is Like?

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4 years ago

Dear Bruce, thank you so much for your daily prayers. While you are needing money I will look into that when my circumstances change. Life is difficult but God will help us all. God bless you.

4 years ago

I am so looking forward to this next 9 days. Thank you for always opening our eyes!

Valerie Simms
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce for yet another timely message of how we perceive or not the true image of God individually in our life. I will be looking forward to this series with great passion! I do remember that period in your life Bruce, concerning your eye. Thank God for the miracle through the surgeons hands, that you can see in that eye today! I ask the Lord to keep on blessing you, Rosemary and all the Team for the work you do for the Lord and for us!

Deanna Francke
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce for your daily messages each day. I can’t wait to see what my new image of God will be like at the end of these 9 days.
May God Bless you, Rosemary & team abundantly.

Margaret Smith
Reply to  Deanna Francke
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce for your important sharing. I realise the image we have of God affects our relationship with God. Thank you,for your sharing. You, Rosemary and Team are remembered at prayer. May you all be blessed to keep up helping people to know zGod in a personal way.