Advent 2020 - Day 15 - Third Sunday of Advent

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jean brown
3 years ago

that was so beautiful thank you for that

Reply to  jean brown
3 years ago

I wish there were parrots singing in my yard.

Reply to  Carol
3 years ago

Great thing to say….Jesus come to me.

John T
3 years ago

For these few short minutes I could feel the peace, I used the other talk on prayer as part of my opening when I sit in my prayer chair and contemplate the face of Jesus and have a quite reflective prayer/meditation time.
Just love your tropical surroundings ????

3 years ago

Thank you Bruce for today’s message. Another powerful and inspirational way in leading me to pray with intent and purpose. I look forward to hearing your message each day and has brought me even closer to God this Advent. I continue to pray for you and your team in my daily prayers that you may be blessed and continue to spread the Gospel in such a meaningful, positive and relatable way in my life and I’m sure to many, many others. God Bless you. ????????????????????????

J Chilcott
3 years ago

Very valuable Bruce. Thank you.

3 years ago

I thank God that I’ve had your daily messages to focus and reflect on during this time of advent amid the busyness in the lead up to Christmas. This has been the most meaningful advent journey I’ve been on in decades. I look forward to continuing the journey with you and your ministry.

Valerie Simms
3 years ago

Thank you Bruce for this message today. I’ll let you know how it goes as I start to pray starting now. God bless you Bruce!

3 years ago

Beautiful message Bruce
As I sit looking out my window and watch the large snow flakes falling from the sky. I am also hearing the parrots singing in the background of your message.
I am reminded that God is truly everywhere and is listing to Our Hearts .
.. Thank you

3 years ago

Thank you, Bruce, for a very powerful message.