Keep Asking for the Holy Spirit - 15th May

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3 months ago

Thank you Bruce look forward every morning to listening to you

Donna Redfearn
3 months ago

Thanku 🙏

3 months ago

Thank you Bruce for your message. I’m praying for you. God bless.

3 months ago

Thank you so much Bruce.

3 months ago

I am praying for you and the mission, that many people will be touch by holy spirit and know the love of God

3 months ago

PRAYING For you this morning at Mass Bruce. May you be strengthened by the Holy Spirit during your time away.

3 months ago

Dear Bruce ,
Once again ,thank you for sharing your faith ,your passion for the love of God , for your encouragement and for your prayers for us. You make our Father in Heaven very proud .We pray for you and your ministry to succeed in glorifying God. We ask the Holy Spirit to be renewed in you also ,so you can lead us everyday. You and your ministry are not only God’s chosen but also a gift to us. Thank you Father for being with Bruce and his ministry.

Reply to  Jessy
3 months ago

Totally agree.. So excited for the opportunity to share this Ministry with others! Life changing…so needed in this troubled world!

Valerie Lack
3 months ago

Hi Bruce my prayer for you is that the Chicago event is successful and that the Holy Spirit comes upon all of you there.
I loved where you spoke from today, more like where Jesus would have spoken.
Thank you

3 months ago

God here are prayer for Bruce and the Ministry. Wrap your arms around them and give them the words to touch many lost souls Amen

Ursel Mihelcic
3 months ago

Thank you

Rosemary Jordan
3 months ago

God bless you bruce and the ministry, we all need help and your prayers, I pray your prayers will be answered,thankyou

3 months ago

Thank you, Bruce for always guiding us. Thanks to you, I have learned to often say to God in my prayers…”I’m still knocking…”, and how often he blesses me with his grace.

Helene Williamson
3 months ago

Thank you Bruce. I am praying for you to receive the enlightenment you obviously receive from the Holy Spirit. Enjoy your quiet time with the Lord. We will keep praying for the Chicago Mission Event in June. God Bless You and your whole team.

3 months ago

Prayer for your success in bring people to a deeper understanding of His unconditional Love and great Mercy for each of us.. even someone who doesn’t believe yet, as His watchful eyes are on every person He created. Giving such meaning to “I knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb!!!” Your message today for all is us … His open door policy….and His door never closes😉

3 months ago

Come lord Jesus send us your spirit. Bless Bruce during this retreat.

Kathy O'Connor
3 months ago

Thank you Bruce. God Bless you.

3 months ago

I am praying for you and your team love listening to you

3 months ago

Praying for you and your ministry.

Timothy Ritchie
3 months ago

Can’t wait to see you in Chicago❤️🙏👣

Isabel. Jimenez
3 months ago

Amen 🙏

3 months ago

Bruce you are such an inspiration to me and so many others Amen

3 months ago

Thank You 🙏😊Bruce&Rosemary and Team 🙏😊for helping Us to make health changes in Involving God . May The Holy Spirit Bless You All 😊✨.