Advent 2020 - Day 26

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Jeanette Easton
3 years ago

Thank you Bruce for this Christmas Eve reflection, your prayer was beautiful. A very Happy and Blessed Christmas to you, your family and all your staff and team. Jeanette

3 years ago

Dear Bruce , Rosemary and all members of the ministries, thank you for all your teachings. A Happy and Holy Christmas to you all. Come Lord Jesus.

3 years ago

Lord God, I am Yours

Dianne Haire
3 years ago

Thank you Bruce and Team for these brilliant talks and music. May you all be truly blessed now and always.

Carmen Sylvester
3 years ago

Thank you for your commitment to your ministry. It blesses me daily.
Christmas Blessings upon you, your family and your team

3 years ago

Merry Christmas to you and yours. Thank you for all the messages of hope and love.
May 2021 but less stressful, better health for all and may God continue to help you on your journey.
Susanne. ????????

John T
3 years ago

Thank you Bruce, Rosemary and all your ministry team for all the devotional talks, music and individual presentations throughout the year. They have been nothing short of very inspiring in spreading the word of God and it has been a fantastic way to start each day and then contemplate throughout the day on each message.
I pray that you all have a truly blessed and Holy Christmas and that the Holy Spirit rests favourably with you all.
John T

3 years ago

Dear Bruce wishing you and your family a very joyous and holy Christmas

3 years ago

To Bruce, Rosemary, crew and family – a Blessed and Holy Christmas to one and all!

God Bless!


3 years ago

Thank you for your prayer Bruce & the great Advent series. Merry Christmas. May your day be Blessed. Vivienne

Albina Contessa
3 years ago

So beautifu l. My heart is full of love for our Saviou’s coming.

Deanna Francke
3 years ago

Thank you so much Bruce, this Advent series has been an amazing journey & has helped me get closer to God. Thank you again for all you do in your ministry & I hope you can keep doing this in the New year.
May God Bless you, Rosemary the team & all your family this Christmas. Merry Christmas to you all. Deanna

Valerie Simms
3 years ago

Thank you Bruce, this message struck my heart. Thank you Bruce for your beautiful prayer. It is interesting how you can be among your loved ones, people and feel alone. In a profound way disappointed and hurt. This is the time as you said Bruce to come before God to lay down our effort and our will knowing that God can do everything. In His perfect will. In His perfect time. I will take some time alone tonight and pay my Lord and Saviour homage as I pray and reflect what Lord Jesus has done for me and is doing… Read more »

chantal buttie
3 years ago

Thank you Bruce and the whole team for these teachings and time of reflection during Advent. Merry Xmas to you and all your team.

3 years ago

Thank you for a beautiful message this Christmas Eve. We were set to spend time with family but a huge family disagreement has left us alone for Christmas….so thank you for that prayer for those who are hurting.
Blessings to you and your family and staff.