Doing What He Says - 8th August

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1 month ago

Thank you so very much.

1 month ago

Thank you!

Donna Redfearn
1 month ago


1 month ago

Spot on young fella

1 month ago

Thank you Bruce. I think that message is for all of us.

Ursel Mihelcic
1 month ago

Thanks Bruce

Rosemary Jordan
1 month ago

Thankyou bruce again,another powerful message

1 month ago

Wow! Thank you for the reminder Bruce.

1 month ago

You give us something to think about. Have a safe travel and as you already know GOD is never far. God bless you

1 month ago

Perfect message for all of us.. Holy Spirit speak loud and clear👍. Prayers for all your meetings.God has something very special coming up for your obedience!😉

Mary Anne
1 month ago

Thanks, I needed that❤️

1 month ago

I pray for you Bruce and Rosemary as you travel back to the U.S. May the Lord bless and care for you as you do his work in Jesus name through the Holy Spirit.Amen

Isabel. Jimenez
1 month ago

Amen 🙏

Kathy O'Connor
1 month ago

Thank you Bruce. It definitely was a good lesson for me today. Safe travels to and in the U.S.

DeloresHat JacliseNingkson
1 month ago

Thank yoh so much Bruce for your inspiring message today August 8th !! I do try my best to do what God tells me to do in everything I do. My faith keeps me strong and I stay in his word daily to keep close to God. God has been so good to me. I like to have died two times. One time a year ago my heart stopped and God was there with me and through his healing hands, I was brought back to life. Another time, my hemoglobin blood count got dangerously low and my heart stopped again… Read more »