Righteous Anger - 31st July

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1 month ago

Thank you Bruce. I sure do honor our God!

1 month ago

Thank you Bruce for making this stand, it was dishonorable & quite disrespectful upon our Mighty Lord

Donna Redfearn
1 month ago


1 month ago

I can’t watch anything these days. There is no decency now and anything is accepted as entertainment it is sickening. The evil is overrunning the world. Help us Lord

Last edited 1 month ago by iris castle
Deborah Murray
Reply to  iris
1 month ago

There’s a tv station channel called GOOD that you may enjoy watching

John T
1 month ago

Thank you Bruce for this very powerful message on righteous anger. I personally didn’t watch the opening ceremony but I have seen some extract photos and yes I am angered. I have seen some of the comments that have since been made. There is an apology, but in the same voice they are saying that they were appealing to other less religious groups so that they may be included 😞🤔. All I can say is if this depicting slanderous act is the best they can do it takes the shine off anything else that they have done that went well.… Read more »

Valerie Lack
1 month ago

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you my Lord God. Great are your deeds, great is your love. What am I that you shower me with gifts and salvation. I am but a speck of dust and you are magnificent.

Reply to  Valerie Lack
1 month ago


Valerie Lack
1 month ago

I felt sick to the stomach at that image which mocked our Lord Jesus.

1 month ago

Thank you for addressing this disrespect on our Lord. I voiced my sentiments on Facebook and got a couple of ‘ Christians are suppose to forgive’. However the vast majority were as indignant as I was. Our Lord is always there for me ,for us and he teaches me I must do so for him.

Barbara Naylor
1 month ago

Yes it certainly wasn’t right.
God won’t be mocked.
Ive signed a petition today with an email attached to go to the Committee 🙏🙏🙏

1 month ago

Thak you for your explanation on righteous anger. Now I understand Jesus’ anger in the temple. So many times have I read that He was “a man without sin” and yet this statement to me, conflicted with His behaaviour in the temple.

I do hope you receive this message, as somehow I “lost” the first one! Let’s just say I am tchnologically challenged!

1 month ago

Sorry, I should have proof read previous comment. I can spell “behaviour”!

1 month ago

Mmmmmmm and “thank” and “technologically” If there are any more errors, too bad. As you would say Bruce, “God knows my heart”!!

1 month ago

So well put and thank you for calming my heart towards my outrage over what we saw at the opening ceremony.

Rosemary Jordan
1 month ago

Thankyou bruce, I didnt see it and dont want to, I’m heartbroken that such a thing was allowed to take place ,god bless you

1 month ago

Thank you Bruce for reminding us that righteous anger is a valid response. As I reflect on Jesus response when He was mocked and spat on and taunted – forgive them Father for they know not what they do – and the scripture you refer to when He got angry at what was being done in the temple, I see 2 things. 1 the temple was set aside as a place of worship and prayer, I see Jesus’ anger at the corruption of the designated purpose of the temple. Jesus respons when He was mocked is very different – He’s… Read more »

brenda s
1 month ago

My aunt is in hospital and needs everyone prayers now. She is in serious health issue. Please help me pray for her recovery. Thank you.

joseph librandi
1 month ago

Thank you, Bruce, for explaining the approach we can take to anger as Christians., Have not heard it described like this before (am looking forward to the impactors session on Sunday Thank you for standing up and describing how we can use our anger…Pray …

God bless you.


1 month ago

I decided to boycott watching the Olympics after I realized what the opening ceremony represented.

1 month ago

Thank you for saying this and sharing this to us God bless

1 month ago

Thank you for talking about this mockery and righteous anger. “Be angry and do not sin.” That takes a lot of self control. I’m from the USA and the chaos in our nation keeps spiraling downward I find myself with inner rage I haven’t felt before. I was glad to read in Isaiah 9:6 “…and the government shall be upon his shoulders.” That is my response and prayer during the world’s chaos. Only God through the Holy Spirit can make it right. And He will.

Kathy O'Connor
1 month ago

Thank you Bruce. God Bless you.

1 month ago

“ May God turn back that what was meant for evil to good”
Heavenly Father i pray that you will use this mockery of the painting of a most precious time in Jesus’ life and turn it to good…Amen…

Titialiiveronica @gmail.com
1 month ago

Thankyou Bruce, In Jesus name Amen

John C
1 month ago

Great words… righteous anger but with forgiveness. Thank you.

Virginia Antonetty
1 month ago

Thank you, Bruce. I agree.

DeloresHat Jackson
1 month ago

Inspiring message today July 31st Bruce on Righteous Anger !! I hardly ever get angry but I know people who got angry with people often. We as Christians should never let the sun go down being angry. I love each one of your daily messages Bruce !! May God Bless you and your ministry !!

Nathan James Jackson
1 month ago

Anger is not the question. But embracing Truth and Love. Jesus never condemned anyone for not believing in him or mocking him. The other point is, we’ve made our own interpretation of the painting. “Who” said it was a depiction of the Last Supper Anger can be appropriate but thin-skinned Christians need to find their own peace and sense of security in their faith. Remember, Love is God.

Judy Gehm
1 month ago

Thank you for reminding me God knows what I am going through. I also agree with you about the horrible mockery of Last Supper on first night of Olympics. Thanks for all the good you do in world. I praise God and thank Him

1 month ago

Isn’t this just a reflection of what the ‘free’ arts are doing all over the world. Just google “America needs Fatima” will show how decadent America and the arts have become

Mary Valan
1 month ago

Thank you, I too am angry of this but was also reminded that these people are also children of God. I am angry at the sin they displayed but will pray for them and try to love the person while still be angry at the sin. It is not easy Lord, please help me.

Isabel. Jimenez
1 month ago

Amen 🙏

Raffaella Librandi
21 days ago

Welcome to the our growing pagan world.