His Voice is Peace - 5th September

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11 days ago

Hi Bruce
It is amazing how you make us all feel included.
No holding back , we feel that we are travelling along with you and your ministry.

Reply to  Iggy
11 days ago

I feel the same way!!! Through our prayers for success to reach others we are included in this journey!

11 days ago

Thank you Bruce

Donna Redfearn
11 days ago


Ursel Mihelcic
11 days ago

Thank you Bruce

11 days ago

Thank you Bruce!

Rosemary Jordan
11 days ago

Thankyou bruce, to have that peace is wonderful, I hope and pray for that peace ,god bless you

11 days ago

It’s a knowing that we are so loved that no matter what He is with us! Overflowing with gratitude that you are following in His plan for making Him the front and center of lives! 🕊️🙏

11 days ago

Hi Bruce – I just discovered how to post a comment on your Daily Devotionals! For some reason, I can’t do it on my phone but I can when I’m on my computer. Thank you so much for today’s message. Thank you Bruce….Keep up God’s work!! You and your ministry are making such an incredible impact on my life and Vito’s life and I’m sure so many others. And like you said, the Holy Spirit works on His time, not ours. We can’t rush things. May we have that inner peace as we surrender more and more to Him. Thank… Read more »

11 days ago

“Peace is Gods voice” Bruce thank you so much so much for these words. It describes perfectly when in my heart a calm of knowing comes upon me. God bless you, Rosemary and the entire ministry in Jesus name.

11 days ago

The scripture you read was wonderful! Thank you.

Isabel. Jimenez
11 days ago

Amen 🙏

Teresita Wisdom
10 days ago

Thank you Bruce for doing what you’re doing in following God’s voice. Yes, it’s lonely when you’re far from family and your hometown but God sees your heart and doing so, you are reaching a lot of people who may have not known God and He’s goodness and love. You are the vessel and God will shower you with blessings. We love you and will continue praying for you, your family and your staff.

Titialiiveronica @gmail.com
10 days ago

Thankyou Bruce for reminding us about the peace of God Amen🙏🙏

Delores Jackson
10 days ago

Thank you so much Bruce for your blessed daily devotional today September 5 th !! I am at peace today because my health has improved from what it was last year. I give Jesus all the praise and glory forseeing that my health improved. I am at peace each day when I listen to your daily devotionals !! Each devotional touches my heart !! May God Bless you and your ministry !!