Don't Be Deceived - 9th September

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9 days ago

Good Morning from Newcastle NSW
How do we get a copy of Bruce’s Business Plan
and how much does it cost.. An online copy would be good.
I am happy to pay.
I listen every day and as a Protestant I am inspired by his insights and preaching.
I have given the website information to our Pastor who has said he will pass it on to our congregation.
I look forward to watching the event next week.


Reply to  Denis
9 days ago

Hi Denis
May be you can contact the ministry by email.

9 days ago

Thank you!

Rosaleen Aveyard
9 days ago

God bless you all ๐Ÿ™

9 days ago

Dear Bruce You talk about the devil so boldly and as it should . Thank you. .Even though its better focusing on God than him ,It is good to be reminded of the sad truth. And as people telling you that it’s not good to ask for money ,maybe they should be reminded it’s to feed us with the word of God and there will never be enough money for that. And as you say be a cheerful giver if it comes from your heart ,otherwise ; don’t do it. May our good Lord bless you financially through people who… Read more ยป

Donna Redfearn
9 days ago


9 days ago

Thank You ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™Bruce&Rosemary and Team ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™. God Says ask and it shall be given ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ.

Reply to  Robert
9 days ago

Absolutely agree

Ursel Mihelcic
9 days ago

Thank you

9 days ago

Hi Bruce.

I would love another series on guided prayer. Or, can you make the videos from when you did it available to us again?

Thank you so much for all you and your team do to remind us of our need to pray, and sit with God daily.

God bless you!


8 days ago

Thank you Bruce

7 days ago

I love listening to you & Rose Mary